Season Updates

COVID-19 Protocols

Hi Everyone, 

After yesterday’s announcement by the provincial government I’ve received a few questions by email. 

We are able to go ahead with the season and our start date of April 24 (weather permitting!) Soccer will look different than it has in the past, but I know that the kids will still have lots of fun. I hope that by May things will ease and we can get some games in. 

Key parts of the protocol are: 
– No games between different teams 
– No scrimmage games within teams 
– All players must remain 2m from each other 
– Maximum of 10 people (including players and coaches) on the field at one time. 

We are a recreational league focused on younger kids, and the main goals have always been to encourage youth to be outdoors, improve physical literacy, and have a chance to chance to be physically active with their peers. If you’ve ever watched U4 you know that they occasionally use a soccer ball too! While the conditions this year aren’t ideal I am confident that we can still have a fun, active season. 

You can find the full details on our COVID-19 protocols on the website here
