Season Updates

2020 Registration for Coaches and family is open now!

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer coach so far! We are still in need of more coaches & asst coaches.

Please sign up by Feb 13th so that we know how many spots we can open for general registration on the 15th.

Click here to register now 

Registration is now open for the families of anyone who is signing up as coach or assistant coach. (You may register all children at this time, not just the ones that you are coaching.) The number of children that can play depends solely on the number of volunteer coaches that sign up. If you’re planning to coach or assistant coach this year, please register early so that we know how many player spots to open up. 

General registration opens on February 15th.

Volunteer coaching is easy and rewarding! If you’ve never coached before you can attend a free coaching clinic, and we’ll provide you all with drills, games, and practice ideas to use with the kids. Most new coaches say that after the first couple of practices they felt great, more confident and were glad they tried it. Remember, as a recreational league we put the focus on fun and fitness, and not competition.
This year we have added a U10 Saturday only option. We are keeping the U10 M/W division also. And a U12 M/W division.
Why Coach?

  • Coaching your children gives you more time to spend with them – on and off the field. You’ll have one more thing in common with your children and you’ll have a common goal.
  • As their coach, you’ll have some control over the types of things they’re learning, how they’re being taught, and what they’re exposed to.
  • Coaching is a good way to meet other people in your community and get involved. You’ll quickly get to know the parents of your child’s friends and you’ll feel more a part of the community.
  • Coaching kids’ sports is a great way to get in shape or stay in shape. It’s good exercise and will help keep you active.
  • Your child will love it. They may not say it or show it, but kids like to see their parents involved in what they do.
  • You get a snazzy whistle and the kids will listen to every word you say.
Fee Year of Birth Division Days of Play
U4 $55 2017 Mixed Saturday 9:30 – 10:30
U5 $65 2016 Mixed Satday 10:45 – 11:45
U5/U6 $65 2015/16 Mixed Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-7:30
U6 $65 2015 Mixed Saturday 10:45 – 11:45
U8 $85 2013/14 Mixed Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U8 $85 2013/14 Girls Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U8 $85 2013/14 Mixed Saturday 9:30 – 10:30
U10 $85 2011/12 Mixed Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U10 $85 2011/2012 Mixed Saturday 10:45 – 11:45

The goal is to place two coaches with each team as well as provide coach training and practice schedules. This is a very rewarding volunteer position and the program cannot run without you. 

Key Dates:
April 18 or 19 – Dates and times TBD. Coach clinic & equipment pick up.
April 25 th – Season starts – First practice for Saturday teams
April 27th – Season starts – First practice for M/W teams
May 24 – Photos at the Bearspaw Lion’s Hall. Schedule will be posted on the website closer to the date
June 20 th – Last practice / game. Photos and medals distributed
June 17st – Last game for M/W teams. Photos and medals distributed
Schedules will be posted on our website prior to the start of the season.

Thanks so much, I’m looking forward to a fun season!

Season Updates

2020 Season Dates

2020 Season Dates

Registration for the 2020 TCA Community Soccer league is opening soon.

If you’re volunteering as a Coach (or Asst. Coach) registration runs from February 1st to February 8th

For everyone else registration opens on February 15th

The season will run from Sat April 25th (weather and field conditions permitting) until Sat June 20th (last game- photos and medals handed out)

Remember – the number of teams we can have is determined by the number of volunteer coaches we get! Please volunteer to coach, it’s fun, easy,and we’ll provide all the training you need

FeeYear of BirthDivisionDays of Play
U4$552016MixedSaturday 9:30 – 10:30
U5$652015MixedSatday 10:45 – 11:45
U5/U6$652014/15MixedTuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-7:30
U6$652014MixedSaturday 10:45 – 11:45
U8$852012/13MixedMondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U8$852012/13GirlsMondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U8$852012/13MixedSaturday 9:30 – 10:30
U10$852010/11MixedMondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
Season Updates

2019 Photo Day

Photo day is rapidly approaching, here are the details:

  • Date: Sunday May 26th, 2019
  • Location: Bearspaw Lions Hall 25240 Nagway Rd (map)

Photos take place all day, please check with your coach/manager to find out your time. The full schedule is also available here

All players will receive a complimentary Memory Mate which includes a team photo and an individual photo, and of course you are welcome to order more photos. The form is available here and onsite on Sunday.

Season Updates

2019 Registration closed and Key dates

Thank you everyone for volunteering and registering for recreational soccer in Tuscany. Registration for 2019 is now closed.

You can still access Sportzsoft to see your coach, team roster, and more here:

Here are some key dates for this season:

  • Early April – teams formed, coaches get in touch with team
  • April 7- Coaches Clinic at the Tuscany Club 2- 4pm
  • April 14 – Equipment distribution (coaches/asst coaches only)
  • April 20th- Season begins
  • May 26 – Photos at Bearspaw Lions Hall, Times TBD
  • June 22 – Last Games
  • June 22 – Equipment return (Coaches/asst coaches only)
Season Updates

Update on the Inter-Community House League (ICHL)

We have had many people reach out to us with questions about the Inter-Community House League. This year has brought some changes to the landscape of rec soccer in Calgary which have impacted the ICHL. For the past 10 years Calgary West has operated the ICHL on behalf of many community associations in the northwest, and this year they are unfortunately unable to do so. We are currently working with other community associations to find a suitable way to manage and operate an informal and rec-oriented league that supports hundreds of youth, spans over 8 communities, and has some complexities around officials and scheduling.

These changes came about on short notice and we are hoping to have something in place for the 2019 soccer season, however we cannot guarantee it at this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this.

Season Updates

2019 Season Dates

Registration for the 2019 TCA Community Soccer league is opening soon.

If you’re volunteering as a Coach (or Asst. Coach) registration runs from February 1st to February 8th

For everyone else registration opens on February 16th

Remember – the number of teams we can have is determined by the number of volunteer coaches we get! Please volunteer to coach, it’s fun, easy,and we’ll provide all the training you need


Fee Year of Birth Division Days of Play
U4 $55 2017 Mixed Saturday 9:30 – 10:30
U5 $65 2016 Mixed Satday 10:45 – 11:45
U5/U6 $65 2015/16 Mixed Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-7:30
U6 $65 2015 Mixed Saturday 10:45 – 11:45
U8 $85 2013/14 Mixed Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U8 $85 2013/14 Girls Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U8 $85 2013/14 Mixed Saturday 9:30 – 10:30
U10 $85 2011/12 Mixed Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U10 $85 2011/2012 Mixed Saturday 10:45 – 11:45



Season Updates

End of 2018 Season and Equipment Sort

Thanks everyone for a fantastic season! We hope that you had fun, made some friends, and learned some soccer skills along the way (c:

Reminder that equipment collection and sorting is Saturday June 23rd from 1030-1230 at the Tuscany Club. Coaches and managers, please drop off the equipment to our volunteers then.


Season Updates

2018 Photo Day

The 2018 Photo day is on Saturday May 26th, 2018 at the Bearspaw Lions Club. Each team has a designated time, please check with your coach for your team’s time slot or view the 2018 Photo Schedule(pdf) here

Players should come dressed in their full outfit and be prepared for team and individual photos.

Each player receives a complementary team and individual photo, included with your registration. To order additional photos you can use the 2018_Soccer Picture Order Form (pdf) which should also be available onsite