Season Updates

2023 Season Info

2023 Soccer Season

Planning is underway for the 2023 Spring soccer season and we anticipate having a strong season this year with lots of interest already. A perk of a World Cup being held in December I suppose!

This year we are super excited to announce that we have partnered with New Frontier Soccer Club! The amazing coaches at NFSC will run our coach clinic and will provide a week-by-week curriculum for our sessions. This is a huge asset to our league and will be a tremendous help to our volunteer coaches! Feel free to stop by and watch a match if you see them out on the pitch.

With that in mind, registration for families of coaches and assistant coaches will open on February 1! If you’re planning to coach this year, please register prior to the 14th as we base the number of available player registrations on the number of coaches that we have sign. Registration for everyone else will open on Wednesday, February 15th and will close on February 28th.

Our season will run from April 22nd until June 24th.

2023 Programs Offered

Age Group Fee Year of Birth Division Days of Play
U4 $55 2019 Mixed Saturday 9:30 – 10:30
U5 $65 2018 Mixed Saturday 10:45 – 11:45
U5/U6 $75 2017/18 Mixed Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-7:30
U6 $65 2017 Mixed Saturday 10:45 – 11:45
U8 $85 2015/2016 Mixed Saturday 9:30 – 10:30
U8 $95 2015/2016 Mixed Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U8 $95 2015/2016 Girls Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U10 $85 2013/2014 Mixed Saturday 10:45 – 11:45
U10 $95 2013/2014 Mixed Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U10 $95 2013/2014 Girls Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30-7:30
U12 $85 2011/2012 Mixed Saturday 9:30 – 10:30

Your registration fees include a jersey, a soccer ball for each child to keep, photos, and a medal at the end of the season. They also go to cover equipment costs, administrative fees, field permits, and coach training. Players will need to provide their own shin pads, socks and shoes. For the younger kids- runners are great, no need to purchase soccer cleats.

Key Dates for this year

Feb 1 – 14: Coach Sign Up

Feb 15 @ 10a: General Sign Up

April 22: Season start

June 24: Season Ends

Volunteers Needed!

As you know the TCA Soccer League is driven by the fantastic volunteers that Coach, assist, organize, schedule, and coordinate. If you’re a parent that’s interested in Coaching (there is no experience necessary!) please register when it opens on February 7th. The number of kids that can play is limited by the number of coaches we have. Coaching is a fantastic way to spend time with your kids, stay in shape, and meet new people in the community; plus we’ll give you a snazzy new whistle! For more on coaching you can go here

I am looking forward to a fun soccer season!