Registration for players of parents who are volunteering to coach opens Wednesday February 1st and runs through February 14th.

General Registration for all other players opens February 15th and runs through to February 28th.

Click here to register

This year we are using a new system that should make registration and selecting your volunteer duties easier.

Reminders about registration: 

  • You will need to purchase a TCA membership before the option to register for soccer becomes active.
  • Once you select a volunteer duty you will see a volunteer discount of $50. We will have plenty of opportunities for volunteer for anyone who wants to – this is a volunteer driven league.
  • Once you have selected at least one volunteer duty you will receive the discounted price for any additional players you register
  • Please be sure to select the coaching duty that matches the team your player is playing on
    • Example: If you are signing your child up for U6 Saturday, the please select U6 Head Coach (or U6 Asst Coach) with dates showing for Saturdays